TUTOR - Spiritualist medium - SPIRIT ARTIST - HEALER - AUTHOR
Mia Ottosson
Mia has been working as a professional medium for +25 years. She is the only one from the Nordic countries who is a Tutor and a Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay CollegeShe works with Psychic and Spiritual Art by creating Spirit Portraits and Soul Pictures, also known as Auragraphs
More about mia
In Sweden she is the president of the Spiritual Organisaton Speak of Spirit. She runs the organisation together with her good friend Carina Tanaskovic and they are trying to put spiritualism back on the map once again in a rational way.That means, free of influences and philosophy from any other religions.She is trying to raise the bar of knowledge and believes strongly in cooperation and community.The education in Speak of Spirit is influenced a lot from her own hard training and she works a lot alongside with her colleagues from Arthur Findlay College.Mia has a huge experience from not only life but also nearly 30 years of a working medium.She believes strongly that you can never learn enough and think it is an ongoing journey to try to understand yourself and the work of a medium.Quality, ethics and moral is so important and there is no excuses for bad work. The responsibility lays always with the medium.If we take away the excuses and take responsibility for our work, not being so afraid of doing it wrong we would have so much more good mediums today.
mentorship - spirit portraits - sittings
work with mia
Mia is dedicated to her mediumship teaching and bringing out the best in her students!Mia has developed her 1:1 Mentorship Program which spans over 5 sessions and you can learn more right hereAs a Spirit Artist she absolutely loves Soul Pictures(what are soul pictures? learn here) if you have a strong desire for one then Mia and her spirit artist will be honored to serve. You can Get a Soul Picture herePrivate Sittings - If you have a strong need you can sign up here to hear first when sittings are available through her newsletter. These are first come first served basis and do not guarantee a sitting. Do note due to Mia's busy schedule her availability is very limited
Mia is often having events and courses see current and upcoming events herePlease read before booking:
If you would like to book a session with Mia please first choose the right program you are interested in, then select the day and time that best suits you, please make sure to select your correct time zone and after you have added your name, email and completed the PayPal payment please select "Schedule Event" to complete your bookingFor Terms and Conditions including Cancellations please click here
Reach out to mia
Mia is always open to hear from youIf your inquiry is about mentorship, soul pictures or sittings please go to Work With Mia instead.If you need to speak to Mia about anything else feel free to use the button below to send an email.She is available on all social platforms too!
soul pictures
Soul Pictures on iPad ( digital art )Please see examples on the right side - Soul Pictures I have done in the pastIf you like to order a soul picture I can't promise you that you are going to get it the same week.I have to be inspired and I don't like to force it just for the sake of doing it.I like to feel the joy and the inspiration when working with my art.A picture can take anywhere from 3 hours to 23 hours of workWhen doing you a soul picture I need a photo of you so I can
read your soul/spirit radiation that
is your aura.In this reading (it comes with text) it's not about your love life or if you should change your work
and all the things that belong to your physical life. That is your own personal responsibility.
It is more of what your soul/spirit wants and needs for your journey on this earth.
When I have done your picture it will be sent by e-mail or uploaded to my DropBox for best quality - if you
like to make a print of it on canvas or enlarge it for a poster.Swedish
Själsbilder på min IPad ( digital konst )
Om du känner att du vill beställa en själsbild så kan jag inte garantera att du får den samma
vecka. Jag behöver bli inspirerad och gillar inte att forcera fram saker och ting bara därför att….
Jag tycker om att känna glädjen och behöver inspiration när jag jobbar med min konst.
En bild kan ta upp till 3 timmar till 23 timmar.
När jag gör en själsbild behöver jag en foto på dig så jag kan läsa av din själ/ande och dess
utstrålning som är din aura.
I läsningen som jag gör till bilden ( den kommer med text ) handlar det inte om ditt kärleksliv eller
om du skall byta jobb eller allt annat som hör till dit fysiska liv att göra. Det är ditt eget personliga
ansvar. Det här handlar mer om din själs/andes resa på denna jord.
När jag gjort din bild kommer den skickas med e-mail eller laddas upp i min dropbox för bästa
kvalitet om du vill trycka upp den på Canvas eller förstora den i affisch format tex